Sunil Mittal bats for Huawei Technologies, says it should be in play

According to Mittal, it is surprising how fast Huawei have improved their technology.

Sunil Mittal, founder and chairman of Bharti Enterprises

Sunil Mittal, founder and chairman of Bharti Enterprises, on Thursday lend his voice in favour of Chinese telecom gear maker Huawei Technologies that has been caught in the ongoing US-China trade war.

Sitting beside the US Secretary for Commerce Wilbur Ross, who voiced concerns over security risks involved with firms like Huawei, Sunil Mittal said its products were ‘significantly superior’ than European companies’ on whom the US departments are dependent.

Mittal, who was part of the discussion panel on the trade war at the India Economic Summit, said, “Without getting into a debate on security risks, I can say that over the past 10-12 years, Huawei have become extremely good with their products. I can safely say their products are superior to Ericsson and Nokia, without a doubt. I use products from all three of them.” Mittal was responding to Ross’ allegations on Chinese telecom equipment maker’s breach of internet protocols for American companies in the past.

According to Mittal, it is surprising how fast Huawei have improved their technology. “The power consumption is a fraction of Europeans, the footprint is small if you have to put it on a tower, and they have powerful leading features. They are leading edge and have very powerful features,” he said. His response came after Ross highlighted Huawei’s poor records forced the US to ban it as security risks involved in the 5G technology is much higher..

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